
Live-stream worship.png

Following the direction of our bishop, we will not be gathering for worship, but we will be live-streaming Sunday worship here: 




Our bishop has directed us to refrain from gathering in person on Sundays, but we will still gather together to worship tomorrow at 10:30 AM with the help of Facebook Live. And, even though we are physically apart, we still remain a family held together by the tender Love of Christ. Let us be extra mindful of each other’s needs at this time, reaching out to one another with a phone call, a letter, an email or even a gathering through zoom. Please know that I (Fr. Daniel) am here for you at this time, holding you in prayer.

Below are some frequently asked questions, answers and links that I hope you will find helpful. Please note that all words written in red font function as links so just click on the red words:

How do I worship with live-stream?

All you need to do is click on this link below tomorrow at around 10:30 AM:
The live-stream event should be easily accessible from there.

Note: You do not need to have a Facebook account to participate in Facebook Live worship.

If you do not have a prayer book, you can access one online here:

How long will we need to refrain from gathering in person on Sundays?
In Bishop Megan’s message (which you can read by clicking here), she says, “l am directing all our congregations to cease gathering for regular Sunday worship beginning this Sunday, March 15, 2020, and to offer worship using online tools. I will consider a return to physical gatherings in our sanctuaries in a number of weeks or as circumstances warrant.” So we should expect to worship with live-stream for at least the next couple Sundays.


During the live-stream worship, how can I offer my intercessions and thanksgivings during the Prayers of the People? 

While participating in our livestream worship, you are invited to write your own prayers of intercession and thanksgiving in the comments section, which we can then pray aloud during the Prayers of the People. You may need to set up a Facebook profile in order to this, but this is free and should not take very long.



Can I still participate in the Offertory? If so, how?

Absolutely! As Christ Church Eureka still continues to fulfill its mission in new and creative ways during this time, we still remain dependent on pledges and donations. We invite you to mail your pledge envelopes and donations to Christ Church Eureka (PO Box 861, Eureka, CA 95502) or drop them off at the office or through the office mail slot or donate online by clicking here.

For more on stewardship, pledges and donations, click here.

What about Holy Week? Is Holy Week cancelled this year?

No. We will observe our most sacred days of the year (Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday) no matter what. We hope to observe these days together in person, but if we must, we will offer these services through Facebook Live as well.



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