

Christ Episcopal Church Eureka

The Burial of the Dead


General Information

Memorial services and funerals are times of remembering and celebrating the life of our loved ones. They are also services of holy worship. Christ Church Eureka provides a beautiful setting for such occasions. We welcome you to this holy place and respectfully ask that you, your family and friends remember that first and foremost the burial of the dead in the Church is a religious service.

We want your memorial service to be comforting and healing. The clergy and staff will be available to answer your questions and help guide you through the many decisions you will need to make. There are many variables and different ways of designing a memorial service or funeral, and we will do all we can to listen to your ideas and work with you. There are, however, certain customs that need to be observed.

Non-Episcopal Clergy

The policy of this Parish is to permit families to have a clergyperson of their choice perform the service. This is to say that non-Episcopal clergy are welcome to assist at the service with an Episcopal clergyperson. There are, however, a few requirements:

  1. That the non-Episcopal clergy must be duly ordained in their respective denomination or religious tradition.
  2. That the non-Episcopal clergy write a letter to the Rector of Christ Church Eureka parish.
  3. That the non-Episcopal clergy who are assisting at the service contact the Rector to discuss the nature of their participation.


The organist of Christ Church Eureka is generally available to play for most services, and will be the musician for the service unless special permission is obtained from the Rector. S/he should also be consulted if other musician(s) are going to be used in the service. If you wish to have a selection of music sung, this needs to be discussed and approved, in advance, by the organist and the Rector.

A memorial service or funeral is a service of worship and all music must conform to the sacred nature of the occasion. While it is often possible to accommodate a favorite song of the family or deceased, most often popular songs would be more appropriate at a reception


The selection of flowers should be to enhance, not detract from the ceremony. Flowers are very expensive, so the general guideline is “less is better.” Any real flowers are appropriate—garden, greenhouse, wildflowers from field or forest, even the blossoms that some call people call weeds. Other pieces from God’s creation are appropriate too—leaves and branches, greens and grasses, nuts and berries, fruits, pods, etc. We do not use even the most exquisite of artificial floral arrangements. In every case, flowers and their placement must be approved by the Altar Guild.


Many people feel that candle light enhances the beauty of the occasion, and we are happy to accommodate this in a variety of ways. The lighting and extinguishing of the candles must be done by a member of the Altar Guild.

Costs and Fees

  1. For members of this parish in good standing (regular in worship and contributing financially), or who come from a family which has good standing in the Christ Church Eureka parish, there are suggested honoraria for the services rendered and the actual costs involved.

$250      Includes:

$100.00                 Musician honorarium. The organist fee includes service and  pre-service consultation with the family. If other rehearsals with soloist(s) are needed, an additional fee may be requested.

$50.00                    Clergy honorarium if the preparation and ceremony is done by the  Rector of Christ Church

$50.00                    Set-up (utilities, cleaning, etc.)

$50.00                    Altar Guild (candles, Worship supplies, etc.)

These are suggested honoraria, not set fees

  1. When the deceased has no previous affiliation with Christ Church, the fee would be

$950      Includes:

$200.00                 Clergy honorarium if the preparation and ceremony is done by the Rector of Christ Church

$150.00                 Organist honorarium

$50.00                    Set-up (utilities, cleaning, etc.)

$50.00                    Altar Guild (candles, Worship supplies, etc.)

$500.00                 Donation to the parish ($200.00 if the Chapel of the Merciful Saviour is used)

The standard donations cited above can be adjusted at the discretion of the Rector in view of special circumstances.

Helpful Information


Main Church:

175 in the Nave (main seating area in the church)

120 in the Heritage Room (overflow area)


295 Total Seating capacity

Chapel 80


The parish hall (Lewis Hall), the kitchen and grounds of the church may be used for your reception for an additional fee (Fee Schedule attached). If you are interested in making arrangements for the use of the church facilities for your reception, the payment of this additional fee and a signed agreement must be received by the parish. A brief summary of some of the requirements for receptions follows:

Receptions in Lewis Hall and the Heritage Room are expected to be orderly at all times. The only alcoholic beverage allowed is wine, including champagne, and it is a requirement of the Episcopal Diocese of Northern California that non-alcoholic beverages be made available and serve “in an equally accessible and attractive manner as the alcoholic beverages.” Music should also be in keeping with noise restrictions in the community and in consideration of our neighbors. Receptions must be concluded by 11:00 PM, with the facilities left in the same condition in which they were found, bearing in mind that the Church worship services begin early Sunday morning, and our facilities must be ready for that purpose. Caterers must remove all equipment, etc., before leaving, unless they have received advance permission to do otherwise from the Rector.

Fee Schedule


Lewis Hall (capacity: 96 seated)

Deposit: $100.00, separate check

Fees: $150.00 for up to 4 hours

$30.00 for each additional hour

*Kitchen Use: $100.00 additional for kitchen use—permission must be given by Office Administrator

Heritage Room (capacity: 70)

Deposit: $100.00, separate check

Fees: $100.00 for up to 3 hours

$25.00 for each additional hour

Coffee pots are available; user must supply cups, coffee, cream and sugar.

Security Deposit will be returned if premises are left clean and returned to Christ Church original set-up.

Download funeral information here: Christ Church Eureka Burial of the Dead

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